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2020 – Rediscovering Values And The Inception Of NexTrack

Writer's picture: Abhinav NathAbhinav Nath

2020 was a year full of sour memories for the world. However, I believe the human race is so capable of pushing every boundary that we found a way to achieve small successes even in this challenging year.

At least I did.

You need a hit to wake you up

As a 24-year old, I started the year heading a company’s India business. I worked with a small team that liked me and respected me. I traveled to different parts of India and South-East Asia, thoroughly enjoying what I did, despite the long working hours. Life was great. And then, Covid-19 hit. Work from home began and suddenly a lot of us had so much time to reflect on how we live our lives, what we value, what we don’t value, and more importantly, what we should value. I realized while I was enjoying this ‘Head of India’ role, there was something missing. Something needed to change.

Finding a fit is important, but identifying a misfit is even more important

So what was the problem with my role? Nothing. I just realized that it wasn’t for me. After spending so much time at home during lockdown, I realized that I grew up with a very different value system to what my workplace embodied. I spent 3 years of my high school in the UK, and then I spent 3 years of my college life in the US – I met so many individuals from diverse backgrounds and I learnt so much. I learnt that truly helping others required you to devote and dedicate every ounce of your energy to their success. Perhaps naively, but I thought client-servicing in the corporate world was also about that.

Resigning during Covid-19

In May 2020, when Covid-19 was taking over the world, I was considering a professional change. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do in the future, but I knew that I had to move on to figure it all out. I had a good sounding board around me who was willing to give me advice, but it wasn’t what I wanted to hear – “Don’t quit during Covid-19”. However, I had always trusted my instinct which has always paid off, so once again, I heeded to it and decided to resign.

Listen to your calling

After I left the company, I received over a 50 phone calls and messages from families who told me how good they thought I was at what I did. They all thought I was going to set up my own firm. It was extremely overwhelming. As I thought more about what they all had to say, I realized that I still loved what I did, I just didn’t love how I was asked to do it. I started wondering – if I could just change the philosophy on how I work with clients, and build a value system that enables a better customer experience, then why would I not do something I know I am good at? And if there are 50 odd parents who think I can do this, then maybe I actually can.

Inception of NexTrack Consulting

Summer of 2020, NexTrack Consulting was born! As the news broke out, I started getting inquiries. Lots and lots of them. And before you know it, I had an actual client. It was unbelievable. By the end of my first month, I was helping 5 clients! Things were moving much faster than I expected.

Business comes with challenges

Starting a business is one thing, but surviving challenges is another. There is a famous saying in the business world (which also applies to other aspects of life) that goes like – “When you’re on the rise, there will be people who will try to bring you down.” This is something that every entrepreneur goes through, and very naturally, so did I. Luckily, I had a support system of professional mentors who guided me a lot. Through my discussions with them, I realized that challenges are good. They make you stronger and build a tough character which you need to run a company.

Clients give you more power than you can ever imagine

My clients gave me so much power that I started embracing challenges! You see, I couldn’t dwell on small issues. There was something bigger at stake – parents had trusted me to deliver a service which was going to set their children up for a better future, and there was no way in hell that I was going to disappoint them. Having clients who had faith in me to deliver such an important job empowered me to a great degree, and I am so grateful for that.

Sheer determination can take you anywhere

I took an office space in August so that I can be more productive in order to accelerate my progress. I wanted to focus on one thing and one thing only – exceptional client-servicing. Each week, I am working on building better systems which can help my clients achieve their goals. As the year comes to a close, I am happy to say that I am ending the year with over 20 clients!

For the families who trusted me and believed in me – all I can say is a big ‘Thank you!’

2020 was about cementing my roots, 2021 will be about building a team

Ending the year with great success, it’s now time to build a team of consultants who embody the same values that I do. As NexTrack begins to expand in 2021, my goal is to continue building a company which not only provides exceptional results, but also an exceptional service and experience.

I am eagerly looking forward to what 2021 has in store for me and for NexTrack!

So, what are you thinking about?

If you made it till here, all I will say to you is this – You can do it too. You can let go of your fears too. Get out of that job or relationship which makes you feel trapped. Go join that company that embodies your values and beliefs. And if it doesn’t exist, heck, just start one yourself! The point is, stop living a life that you don’t want to live. Choose the life you want to live, and live it!

A very Happy New Year, and I wish you all the success in 2021!



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